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How to Grow an Avocado Tree indoors: seed to plant

Indoor Gardening: How to Grow an Avocado Tree

Growing an avocado tree indoors can be a fun and rewarding experience. Avocado trees are not only a beautiful addition to your home decor, but they also produce delicious, nutrient-rich fruit. With the right conditions and a little bit of patience, you can successfully grow an avocado tree from a seed or a cutting.

To start, you will need to choose a healthy avocado pit or cutting. If you are using a seed, you can sprout it by suspending it with toothpicks over a glass of water. Once the seed has sprouted, you can plant it in a pot with well-draining soil. If you are using a cutting, make sure it has a few unopened buds on it and cut it at a 45-degree angle. Rough up the bark on the cut end to help with water absorption and root formation. Once your seed or cutting is ready, it’s time to start growing your avocado tree from avocado seedling.

How big do avocado plants get: Choosing the Right Avocado Variety

When it comes to growing an avocado tree indoors, choosing the right variety is crucial. Here are some factors to consider when selecting an avocado variety:

Dwarf vs. Standard Avocado Trees

Dwarf avocado trees are a great option for indoor growing because the dwarf avocado tree is smaller and more manageable as it grows into an avocado houseplant. They typically reach a height of 8-10 feet, while standard avocado trees can grow up to 30 feet tall. Dwarf trees also tend to produce fruit earlier than standard trees, making them a great choice for those who want to enjoy homegrown avocados sooner.

How to grow avocado indoors: Pollination Requirements

Avocado trees are not self-pollinating, which means that you will need to have at least two trees of different varieties in order to produce fruit. When selecting avocado varieties, it is important to choose trees that bloom at the same time to ensure successful pollination. Here are some popular avocado varieties and their pollination partners:

  • Hass: Lamb Hass, Gwen, Pinkerton, Reed
  • Bacon: Hass, Zutano, Fuerte
  • Fuerte: Bacon, Hass, Zutano
  • Reed: Hass, Lamb Hass, Pinkerton, Fuerte

Keep in mind that some avocado varieties are better suited for certain climates. Be sure to choose a variety that is well-suited to your area to ensure the best chance of success.

In summary, when selecting an avocado variety for indoor growing, consider factors such as tree size, fruit production, and pollination requirements. With the right variety and proper care, you can enjoy homegrown avocados all year round.

Preparing the Growing Space

Growing an avocado tree indoors requires some preparation to ensure that the tree has the best chance of thriving. In this section, we will cover the three main areas of preparation: choosing the right container, soil and fertilizer requirements, and light and temperature needs.

Choosing the Right Container to grow avocado plants

When growing an avocado tree indoors, it is important to choose the right container. The container should be large enough to accommodate the tree’s root system and allow for drainage. A good rule of thumb is to choose a container that is at least twice the size of the root ball.

Additionally, the container should have drainage holes to prevent water from accumulating in the potting mix soil and causing root rot. If you choose a decorative container without drainage holes, be sure to use a saucer to catch excess water and empty it regularly.

Best Potting Soil for Avocado Tree: Soil and Fertilizer Requirements

Avocado trees prefer slightly acidic soil with a pH of 6-6.5. It is important to choose a soil mix that is loose, fertile, and quick-draining to prevent water from accumulating in the soil.

When it comes to fertilizer, avocado trees are heavy feeders. Use a slow-release fertilizer formulated for citrus and avocado trees. Fertilize your tree every three months during the growing season.

Do avocado plants need a lot of sun: Light and Temperature Needs

Avocado trees require bright, indirect light to thrive. Place your tree near a south-facing window to ensure it receives enough light. As indoor plants they don’t mind full sun for shorter amounts of time. Direct sunlight should only be about hour per day. The rest of the time your new plant will prefer a spot with bright light that’s indirect. If your home does not receive enough natural light, consider using a grow light.

Room Temperature is also important for avocado trees. They prefer temperatures between 60-85°F (15-29°C). Avoid placing your tree near drafts or in areas with extreme temperature fluctuations.

By following these preparation tips, you can create an ideal growing environment for your indoor avocado tree.

How to Grow an Avocado Seed: A Step-by-Step Guide

Growing an avocado tree from a seed of an avocado can be a fun and rewarding experience. Not only does it give you a sense of accomplishment, but it also provides you with fresh, delicious avocados. However, it can be a bit tricky to get started, especially if you’re new to gardening. In this article, you’ll learn how to grow an avocado seed and care for your avocado tree.

To start, you’ll need an avocado seed, which you can get from a ripe avocado. You can use any avocado from the grocery store to start growing your seed to a young tree. Once you have your seed, you’ll need to prepare it for planting. This involves removing any remaining flesh, rinsing it gently, and determining which end is the top and which is the bottom. You’ll also need to create a way to suspend the seed in water, which is the next step in the process. With a little patience and care, you’ll soon have a thriving avocado tree that produces delicious fruit.

Choosing an Avocado Seed – How to grow an avocado from pit guide

Growing an avocado tree from a seed is a fun and rewarding experience, but choosing the right seed is important for success. Here are a few things to consider when selecting an avocado seed:


Choose a ripe avocado for the best chance of success. A ripe avocado will be slightly soft to the touch and the skin will be dark in color. If the avocado is too hard, it may not be mature enough to sprout. If it is too soft, it may be overripe and the seed may have started to rot.


The shape of the avocado seed can also affect its ability to sprout. Look for a seed that is plump and round, rather than flat or misshapen. A round seed is more likely to have a healthy embryo inside, which will increase the chances of successful germination.


Bigger is not always better when it comes to avocado seeds. In fact, smaller seeds may have a higher chance of success because they are less likely to have developed mold or other problems. Look for a seed that is about the size of a golf ball, or slightly smaller.


The fresher the avocado seed, the better. Look for a seed that has been recently removed from the fruit, as older seeds may have started to dry out or lose their viability. If you are not sure how fresh the seed is, you can perform a float test to check its viability.

By considering these factors when choosing an avocado seed, you can increase your chances of success when growing your own avocado tree.

Preparing the Avocado Seed

Growing an avocado tree from a seed is a fun and rewarding experience that can be done easily at home. Before you start, you need to prepare the avocado seed properly. Here’s how you can do it:

Cleaning the Seed

The first step is to clean the avocado seed. Gently wash the seed with warm water to remove any remaining green flesh. If bits of fruit are sticking to the seed, soak it for 10 minutes or so to soften the flesh. Be careful not to scrub too hard, as you don’t want to damage the brown seed covering.

Removing the Seed Coat

The next step is to remove the seed coat. This is the brown outer layer of the seed. You can do this by carefully peeling it off with your fingers or using a knife. Be careful not to damage the seed itself.

Alternatively, you can leave the seed coat on and plant the seed as is. The seed coat will eventually break down on its own.

Once you have cleaned and removed the seed coat, you are ready to proceed with growing your avocado tree. There are several methods you can use to start the seed, such as suspending it over water with toothpicks or planting it directly into moist soil.

Remember to keep your avocado seed in a warm, sunny spot and water it regularly. It may take several weeks for the seed to sprout, so be patient and enjoy the process. With a little care and attention, you’ll soon have your very own avocado tree!

How to grow avocado Plant from Seed – the toothpick method

Growing an avocado plant from a avocado stone with toothpicks is quite simple! Here are the steps:

1. Remove the pit from a ripe avocado, carefully washing away any flesh that may be stuck to it.

2. Insert 3-4 toothpicks into the avocado pit, spaced evenly around the circumference of the pit.

3. Suspend the avocado pit over a glass or jar filled with water. The toothpicks should rest on the rim of the glass, holding the pit in place.

4. Fill the glass with enough water to cover about two-thirds of the avocado pit.

5. Place the glass in a sunny location and change the water every few days, ensuring that the water always covers the bottom of the pit.

6. In 2-6 weeks, the avocado pit should start to crack open and a stem will emerge. 

7. Once the stem grows to around 6 inches in length, trim it down to around 3 inches.

8. Wait for the leaves to emerge and continue to change the water in the glass every few days.

9. Once the roots appear, and the stem and roots have grown a bit, it’s time to plant the avocado pit in a pot or in the garden. Give your seed-grown trees a better chance to grow into beautiful avocado trees by giving them the best place to grow in a spot with plenty of light and no draft. A bright windowsill is a great place for an indoor avocado plant.

There you go! It

When are avocado trees big enough to become outdoor plants

Avocado trees can be grown outdoors in regions with warm climates, but it’s important to remember that they are sensitive to frost and cold weather. Avocado trees typically reach a height of around 6-12 feet in their first few years of growth and can be transplanted outside once they have developed a strong root system and sturdy trunk. You can begin by moving the avocado tree to a larger container or pot and placing it outside in a warm spot where your plant will get a few hours of sunlight in late spring. 

If you live in an area with a colder climate, you may want to consider planting your avocado tree in a large pot or container that can be moved indoors during the winter months. This will help protect the tree from the cold and allow it to thrive in a warm and sunny location all year round. 

It’s also important to note that avocado trees can take several years to reach maturity and produce fruit, so patience is key when growing these trees. With proper care and attention, your avocado tree can grow to be a beautiful and productive addition to your outdoor garden.

How to prune indoor avocado plants – avocado plant care

Pruning indoor avocado plants can help them grow healthier and produce better fruit. Here are some steps you can follow:

1. Identify the branches you want to prune. Look for branches that are damaged, diseased, or dead. Also consider removing any branches that are growing too close together or crossing over each other.

2. Use clean, sterilized pruning shears to make the cuts. This will help prevent the spread of disease.

3. Make the cuts at a slight angle, just above a leaf node or bud. This will encourage new growth to form.

4. Cut back the branches by 1/3 to 1/2 of their length. This will help promote new growth and keep the plant bushy.

5. After pruning, water the plant well and give it some time to recover before fertilizing.

Remember, pruning should be done in the spring or summer when the plant is actively growing.

How to plant an avocado seed into soil

Here’s how to plant an avocado seed into soil:

1. Remove the seed from the avocado fruit: Cut the avocado in half and remove the seed carefully without damaging it.

2. Clean the seed: Rinse the seed under running water and gently remove any remaining fruit flesh on it.

3. Prepare the soil: Choose a well-draining potting soil mix and fill a small pot with it.

4. Plant the seed: Insert three toothpicks into the middle of the seed at equal distances around it. These will help suspend the seed over the pot of water. Place the seed, broad end down, into the soil in the pot, leaving about half the seed above the soil surface.

5. Water the soil: Lightly water the soil, being careful not to disturb the seed.

6. Provide proper light and temperature: Avocado seeds need warm temperatures and bright, indirect light in order to germinate. Place the pot in a warm, sunny location, such as near a window, but not in direct sunlight.

7. Watch for germination: Within two to six weeks, the seed should start to sprout. Once the stem is about 6 inches (15 cm) tall, cut it back to about 3 inches (7.5 cm) to encourage more growth.

8. Transplant the seedling: Once the plant is about 6-7 inches (15-18 cm) tall and has a few sets of leaves, it’s ready to be transplanted into a larger pot with fresh soil.

9. Continue to care for the plant: Keep the soil moist but not wet, and give the plant plenty of light and warmth. Avocado plants can grow quite large, so be sure to give it enough space to thrive.

And that’s it! With a little patience and care, you can grow your own avocado plant from a seed. Good luck!

Tips and tricks for indoor avocado tree care

Here are some tips to help you care for your indoor avocado tree:

1. Proper lighting: Avocado trees need bright and indirect sunlight, so make sure to place them in a well-lit area near a window.

2. Watering: Water your avocado tree regularly, but avoid over-watering as it can cause root rot. Always let the top inch of soil dry out before watering again.

3. Humidity: Avocado trees love humidity, so misting the leaves or using a humidifier can help keep them healthy.

4. Fertilization: Avocado trees need to be fertilized regularly, especially during the growing season. Use a balanced fertilizer with equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

5. Pruning: Prune your avocado tree to control its size and shape, and to promote healthy growth.

6. Repotting: As your avocado tree grows, you may need to repot it into a larger container with fresh soil.

How to know when avocados are ripe to pick

To know when an avocado is ripe to pick, there are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Color: The skin of an avocado will change color as it ripens, going from green to dark green or even black. However, the color alone is not always reliable, as some avocado varieties don’t change color.

2. Texture: Ripe avocados will be slightly soft to the touch, but not mushy. Gently press the avocado with the pad of your thumb – if it gives slightly, it’s probably ripe.

3. Stem: Gently remove the stem at the top of the avocado. If it comes off easily and you see green underneath, the avocado is ripe. If it’s difficult to remove, the avocado is likely not yet ripe.

4. Smell: A ripe avocado may have a slightly sweet, nutty aroma when you hold it up to your nose.

If you’re not sure whether an avocado is ripe, it’s better to err on the side of caution and let it ripen for a few more days. You can speed up the ripening process by placing it in a paper bag with an apple or banana, which will release ethylene gas and help the avocado ripen more quickly.

Avocado Hair Mask: A Simple Home Remedy for Healthier Hair

If you’re searching for a natural and affordable way to nourish your hair, look no further than your kitchen. Avocado is a popular fruit that is not only delicious but also packed with nutrients that can benefit your hair. Avocado is rich in vitamins B and E, which can help strengthen and repair hair, prevent breakage, and promote healthy growth.

Using avocado as a hair treatment is easy and can be done from the comfort of your own home. There are several DIY avocado hair mask recipes that you can try depending on your hair type and needs. Whether you have dry, damaged, or oily hair, there is an avocado hair mask that can help restore your hair’s natural shine and vitality. So, why not give it a try and see the difference it can make for your hair?

Benefits of Avocado for Hair

If you’re looking for a natural remedy to improve the health of your hair, look no further than the humble avocado. Avocado has a range of benefits for hair, from its moisturizing properties to its nutrient content and strengthening qualities.

Moisturizing Properties

One of the most notable benefits of avocado for hair is its ability to moisturize. The high fat content of avocado helps to lock in moisture and prevent dryness, which can lead to brittle, damaged hair. Avocado oil is a particularly effective moisturizer, as it is easily absorbed by the hair and scalp.

Nutrient Content

Avocado is also rich in a range of nutrients that are essential for healthy hair. These include vitamins A, B, D, and E, as well as minerals such as magnesium and potassium. These nutrients help to nourish the hair and promote growth, while also strengthening the hair shaft and preventing breakage.

Strengthening and Repairing Qualities

In addition to its moisturizing and nutrient-rich properties, avocado also has strengthening and repairing qualities. The proteins in avocado help to strengthen the hair shaft and prevent breakage, while the antioxidants in avocado help to repair damage caused by environmental factors such as pollution and UV radiation.

Overall, avocado is a highly beneficial ingredient for hair health. Whether you use it as a hair mask, apply avocado oil to your hair and scalp, or simply incorporate more avocado into your diet, you can enjoy the many benefits of this versatile fruit.

Avocado For Hair home remedy: How to Use Avocado for Hair

If you’re looking for a natural way to nourish and moisturize your hair, avocado is a great option. Here’s how to use avocado for hair in a few easy steps.

Avocado Hair Mask DIY: Preparing the Avocado Mixture

To make an avocado hair mask, start by choosing a ripe avocado. Cut it in half and remove the pit. Scoop out the flesh and place it in a bowl. Mash the avocado with a fork until it’s smooth and creamy.

Next, you can add other ingredients to the avocado mixture, depending on your hair type and needs. Some options include:

  • Coconut oil: for extra hydration
  • Honey: for added shine and softness
  • Argan oil: for repairing damaged hair

Mix the ingredients together until they’re well combined. You can also use a blender or food processor to make a smoother mixture.

Application and Massage Techniques

Before applying the avocado mixture to your hair, make sure it’s clean and damp. You can wash your hair with a mild shampoo and skip the conditioner.

Section your hair into several parts to make the application process easier. Use your fingers or a brush to apply the avocado mixture from the roots to the tips of your hair. Make sure you cover all the strands evenly.

Once you’ve applied the avocado mixture, you can massage your scalp gently with your fingertips. This will stimulate blood flow and help the nutrients penetrate your hair shaft.

Rinsing and Washing the Hair

After 20-30 minutes, you can rinse the avocado mixture off your hair with lukewarm water. Avoid using hot water, as it can damage your hair and scalp.

You can also use a mild shampoo to wash your hair again and remove any residue. Follow up with a conditioner if you feel your hair needs it.

That’s it! Using avocado for hair is a simple and effective way to keep your locks healthy and shiny. Try it out and see the results for yourself.

Avocado Oil vs Coconut Oil: Which is Better for Cooking and Skincare?

When it comes to cooking oils, there are a lot of options available in the market. Two popular choices are avocado oil and coconut oil. Both oils have their unique properties and uses. If you are wondering which oil is better for you, this article will provide you with a comparison of avocado oil versus coconut oil.

Avocado oil is extracted from the pulp of the avocado fruit, while coconut oil is extracted from the meat of mature coconuts. Both oils are high in healthy fats and have a wide range of health benefits. Avocado oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which have been shown to improve heart health and lower cholesterol levels. Coconut oil, on the other hand, is high in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which can boost energy levels and aid in weight loss.

In this article, we will compare avocado oil versus coconut oil based on their nutritional profile, cooking properties, and health benefits. We will also explore the uses of these oils in skincare and hair care. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of the differences between these two oils and which one is best for your needs.

Nutritional Comparison

When it comes to choosing between avocado oil and coconut oil, it is important to consider their nutritional composition. In this section, we will compare the fatty acid composition, vitamin, and mineral content of both oils.

Fatty Acid Composition

Both avocado oil and coconut oil are high in fat, but they differ in their fatty acid composition. Avocado oil is primarily made up of monounsaturated fats, while coconut oil is mostly saturated fat. Monounsaturated fats are considered healthier than saturated fats as they can help lower bad cholesterol levels in the body.

Here’s a breakdown of the fatty acid composition of both oils:

Fatty AcidAvocado OilCoconut Oil

As you can see, avocado oil contains a higher percentage of monounsaturated fats, while coconut oil contains a higher percentage of saturated fats.

Vitamin and Mineral Content

While both oils are high in fat, they do not contain significant amounts of vitamins and minerals. Avocado oil does contain small amounts of vitamins E and K, while coconut oil does not contain any vitamins or minerals.

Here’s a breakdown of the vitamin and mineral content of both oils:

Vitamin/MineralAvocado OilCoconut Oil
Vitamin E2.68 mg0 mg
Vitamin K20.2 mcg0 mcg

It’s important to note that while avocado oil may contain small amounts of vitamins and minerals, they are not significant enough to make a significant impact on your overall nutrient intake.

In conclusion, when it comes to nutritional comparison, avocado oil is a healthier option as it contains a higher percentage of monounsaturated fats and small amounts of vitamins and minerals. However, it’s important to remember that both oils are high in fat and should be consumed in moderation.

Health Benefits

When it comes to cooking oils, both avocado oil and coconut oil have their own unique health benefits. Here are some of the health benefits of these two oils.

Heart Health

Avocado oil is high in monounsaturated fats, which are known to be heart-healthy. These fats can help lower bad cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Coconut oil, on the other hand, is high in saturated fats, which can increase bad cholesterol levels and raise the risk of heart disease.

Skin and Hair Health

Both avocado oil and coconut oil are great for your skin and hair. Avocado oil is rich in vitamins A, D, and E, which can help improve skin texture and reduce the signs of aging. It also contains antioxidants that can protect your skin from damage caused by free radicals. Coconut oil, on the other hand, is great for moisturizing your skin and hair. It can help prevent dryness and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Weight Management

Avocado oil can help with weight management because it is high in monounsaturated fats, which can help you feel full and satisfied. Coconut oil, on the other hand, is high in calories and saturated fats, which can contribute to weight gain if consumed in excess.

Digestive Health

Both avocado oil and coconut oil can help improve digestive health. Avocado oil contains oleic acid, which can help reduce inflammation in the gut and improve digestion. Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which can help kill harmful bacteria in the gut and improve gut health.

Overall, both avocado oil and coconut oil have their own unique health benefits. However, when it comes to heart health and weight management, avocado oil is the clear winner due to its high monounsaturated fat content. When it comes to skin and hair health and digestive health, both oils can be beneficial.

Are you looking for some delicious recipes with avocados? You might like some of these

Portobello Steaks with avocado

Avocado Leaf Tea

Delicious tomato avocado salsa

Pasta with creamy avocado sauce

FAQs – all your avocado tree questions answered

Best soil for avocado tree in pot?

For an avocado tree in a pot, you will want a well-draining soil mix that is rich in organic matter. A good soil mix for avocado trees could include a combination of peat moss, perlite, and compost. It’s also helpful to add some sand to the mix to improve drainage and prevent water from sitting in the soil. Remember to use a pot with good drainage holes at the bottom to help prevent root rot. Finally, make sure to water your avocado tree regularly and keep it in a spot where it will receive plenty of sunlight.

Best soil for avocado tree?

The best soil for an avocado tree is a well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. Avocado trees prefer a slightly acidic soil with a pH range of 6 to 6.5. A good soil mix for avocado trees could include a combination of peat moss, perlite, and compost. It’s important to note that avocado trees are sensitive to salt, so avoid using soils that contain high levels of salt. Additionally, avocado trees require good drainage to prevent root rot, so make sure the soil is not too heavy or compacted. Finally, ensure that the tree receives enough water, but be careful not to overwater, as this can also cause root rot.

Best fertilizer for avocado trees?

The best fertilizer for avocado trees is one that is specifically formulated for their needs. Avocado trees require a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as micronutrients such as zinc, iron, and manganese. A fertilizer with a ratio of 8-3-9 is a good option for avocado trees. You can also use organic fertilizers, such as compost and aged manure, to provide the necessary nutrients to the tree.
It’s important to note that avocado trees have shallow roots, so it’s best to apply fertilizer around the drip line of the tree rather than directly at the base of the trunk. Additionally, avoid fertilizing avocado trees during the winter months, as this can cause new growth to be more susceptible to frost damage. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the fertilizer packaging, and avoid over-fertilizing, which can cause damage to the tree.

Avocado Plant Growth FAQs

Avocado how long to grow?

The time it takes for an avocado to grow from a seed to a fruit-bearing tree can vary depending on several factors, such as the variety of the avocado, the growing conditions, and the climate. Generally, it can take anywhere from 5 to 13 years for an avocado tree to mature and produce fruit.
However, if you want to grow an avocado tree from a seed, it’s important to note that the resulting tree might not produce fruit at all, or if it does, it may not be of the same quality as the parent plant. Additionally, growing an avocado tree from a seed can be a challenging process as it requires the right conditions, including warm temperatures and adequate watering.
If you want to grow an avocado tree, it can be easier to purchase a grafted tree from a nursery, which will be more likely to produce fruit and will be easier to care for.

FAQs – pet and avocado questions answered

Can Guinea pigs eat avocado?

No, guinea pigs should not eat avocado. Avocado contains a substance called persin, which is toxic to many animals, including guinea pigs. Eating avocado can cause digestive upset, breathing difficulties, and even death in guinea pigs. It’s important to stick to foods that are safe for guinea pigs to eat, such as hay, fresh vegetables, and fruit in moderation. If you suspect that your guinea pig has eaten avocado or any other toxic substance, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Are avocado plants toxic to cats?

Yes, the avocado plant is toxic to cats. Avocado contains a substance called persin, which is toxic to many animals, including cats. While small amounts of persin are unlikely to cause harm to your cat, if they ingest large amounts of the plant, it could lead to vomiting and diarrhea. Additionally, the pit of the avocado is a choking hazard for cats if they try to play with it or ingest it. It’s important to keep avocado plants out of reach of your cat and to avoid feeding them avocado or any other foods that are toxic to cats. If you suspect that your cat has ingested avocado or any other toxic substance, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Can dogs eat avocado?

Avocado is not toxic to dogs, but it’s not recommended to feed it to them, as it can cause digestive upset. Avocado contains a substance called persin, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. Additionally, the pit of the avocado is a choking hazard, and the high-fat content of avocado can cause pancreatitis in dogs if consumed in large amounts. While small amounts of avocado flesh are unlikely to cause harm to your dog, it’s best to avoid feeding it to them altogether and to stick to foods that are safe for dogs to eat. If you suspect that your dog has ingested avocado or any other toxic substance, contact your veterinarian immediately.

Reptiles and avocados

Can Bearded Dragon eat avocado?

Bearded dragons can technically eat small amounts of avocado, but it’s not recommended to feed it to them as a regular part of their diet. Avocado is high in fat and has a low calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, which can cause health problems for bearded dragons if fed in large quantities. It’s best to stick to feeding your bearded dragon a diet of insects, vegetables, and leafy greens that provide them with the necessary nutrients they need to stay healthy. If you do choose to feed your bearded dragon avocado, make sure to do so in moderation and only as an occasional treat. Also, be sure to remove the pit and skin, both of which can pose a choking hazard and are not safe for bearded dragons to eat.

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