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Christmas Rice Pudding Dessert (Danish Risalamande)

  • plus a super easy vegan risalamande option (dairy free rice pudding dessert)
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Christmas Rice pudding dessert: Danish risalamande recipe – This easy authentic Scandinavian rice pudding or ris’alamande is a classic dessert found on every Christmas table on Christmas Eve in Scandinavia. It’s a creamy pudding made with leftover rice pudding recipe. We’re talking a creamy Christmas rice pudding with a rich silky texture, dotted with crunchy almonds and topped with warm cherry sauce. 

For Scandinavians, it’s not Christmas until we’re all gathered around the table with a bowl full of ris’alamande while carefully chewing every bite of pudding as we search for the one whole almond hidden in the dessert. It’s a Danish heritage Christmas eve dessert recipe for a merry Christmas!

Ris’alamande: Unwrapping the Heartwarming Story of a Christmas Classic

As winter blankets the world in a soft embrace, there’s a dessert that encapsulates the spirit of the season like no other. Meet Ris’alamande, a Danish household dessert delight that has graced holiday tables for generations, infusing Christmas season celebrations with its rich history and irresistible flavors. Let’s embark on a journey through time and taste to uncover the heartwarming story behind this festive masterpiece.

A Taste of Tradition: Christmas eve dessert

Ris’alamande is a traditional Danish rice pudding that holds a special place in Danish homes during the yuletide season. With its roots dating back to the 19th century, this Christmas favorite velvety Danish desserts creation has become an integral part of Danish Christmas festivities.

Delicious Rice Pudding with a Surprise single almond surprise:

The name itself carries a touch of mystery. “Ris” refers to rice, while “alamande” hints at the almond component that makes this dessert truly enchanting. At the center of this culinary wonder lies a heartwarming tradition: a single whole almond is hidden within the rice pudding. The lucky soul who discovers this whole blanched almond hidden treasure in their serving is blessed with good luck for the coming year. This fun Christmas tradition combines a basic rice pudding with whipped cream and our beloved risengrød and transforms it into a delicious dessert traditional danish Christmas rice pudding recipe.

A Royal Connection:

Ris’alamande’s history is intertwined with Danish royalty. Legend has it that this traditional risalamande dessert was inspired by a chef’s creation for the royal court. Over time, it evolved into a beloved family treat, passed down through generations and enjoyed by all.

Christmas Eve Delight: traditional dessert

In Denmark, Ris’alamande is typically enjoyed on Christmas Eve as the grand finale of the festive meal. Served chilled, it captivates taste buds with its creamy texture, delicate notes of vanilla, and the delightful surprise of the hidden almond.

Modern Twists and Timeless Love: riz à l’amande 

While Ris’alamande remains deeply rooted in tradition, modern variations have emerged to accommodate different dietary preferences. Plant-based milk options and innovative ingredients have breathed new life into this typical rice pudding classic dessert recipe, ensuring that this beloved dish continues to charm old and young alike.

Creating Your Own Tradition:

As you savor a spoonful of Risalamande, you’re not only indulging in one of the most popular Christmas dessert recipes but also becoming a part of a heartwarming tradition that has spanned centuries. Its story is a reminder that the magic of the holiday season lies not only in the flavors we savor but also in the cherished memories we create around the table.

So, this Christmas, as you gather with loved ones, consider adding a touch of Danish enchantment to your celebration with a creamy dessert bowl of Ris’alamande. With each bite, you’re embracing history, sharing joy, and savoring a timeless treat that connects us to the past while illuminating the present.

In this risalamande (Danish Rice Pudding dessert recipe) we’re covering 

Other names for risalamande or ris a la Mande

“Risalamande” is a traditional Danish rice pudding dish often associated with Christmas festivities. It is known by various names in different cultures and regions. Here are some alternative names for risalamande:

1. Ris à l’amande: This is the French name for the dish, which is similar to the Danish version.

2. Risotto di Natale: In Italian, it translates to “Christmas risotto.”

3. Rice Pudding with Almonds: A straightforward description of the dish’s main ingredients.

4. Kheer: This is the Indian version of rice pudding, which can also include almonds and is enjoyed on various occasions.

5. Arroz con Leche: The Spanish and Latin American version of rice pudding.

6. Roz Bel Laban: This is the Egyptian version of rice pudding, often flavored with rose water and nuts.

7. Sutlac: The Turkish name for rice pudding, usually garnished with cinnamon and crushed nuts.

These names reflect the global popularity of rice pudding variations, each with its own unique twists and cultural significance.

Ris’alamande one whole almond tradition 

In Scandinavia, every risalamande contains lots of chopped almonds and only one whole almond. The whole almond is carefully selected. We want it large with a true almond shape to make it easy to feel when we find the almond. Every rice pudding is served in a large bowl placed at the center of the table. Everyone gets to fill their own dessert bowl, hoping they will be the lucky ones that scoop up the whole almond. 

Why this obsession with finding the whole almond, you wonder? Well, the finder of the whole almond gets to open the bonus gift ‘mandelgaven’ or almond present (usually a bow of chocolates, sweets, a marzipan pig, or a fun game). And yes, it can get competitive with everyone desperately trying to win the honor of being this year’s almond winner (and yes, everyone keeps score of last year’s winner and how many times they win). It’s a lot of fun and a great Christmas tradition.

The best cherry sauce

Of course, we need a truly delicious, full-of-flavor cherry sauce to pour on top of the creamy rice pudding. A homemade traditional vegan cherry sauce poured on top of fluffy creamy rich ris’alamande is the answer to a truly Scandinavian Christmas dessert that takes the humble (but Very DELICIOUS) ris’alamande to the next level. 

My homemade cherry sauce is my grandmother’s traditional Danish cherry sauce. It’s decadent, loaded with flavors, and features cherry wine, port wine, and lots of holiday seasonings. 

What we’re working with today 

Ingredients to make the best easy authentic Scandinavian rice pudding (ris’alamande)

You need at least half a portion, preferably a little more, of my authentic Danish Christmas rice pudding (risengrød). You have the option to use the authentic Danish rice pudding recipe or my delicious dairy free vegan rice pudding. I like to make this rice pudding the day before Christmas Eve just like my mother and grandmother always have.

Once you have your rice pudding (risengrød) it’s a breeze to make this delicious creamy ris’alamande dessert.

Ingredients to make ris’alamande for 4-6 people (this is smaller portions, for larger dessert servings just double the recipe amounts)

  • 3-4 cups rice milk porridge (grab my easy authentic risengrød recipe right here)
  • 1 vanilla pod, or 2 teaspoons vanilla sugar powder 
  • 70g sugar 
  • 100g almonds, peeled and chopped 
  • 4 dl double cream, or cashew cream for a vegan version 

How to make authentic Scandinavian ris’alamande – the traditional Danish Christmas dessert 

Cut the vanilla pod into halves and use a knife or spoon to scrape out the seeds. In a small mixing bowl, mix sugar and vanilla seeds. 

Place the almonds in a bowl. Bring water to a boil and pour the boiling water over the almonds. Let the almonds sit in the hot water for 10-minutes. Drain away the hot water and pour boiling water over the almonds again. Let the almonds sit for 2-minutes in the water before draining the water away. Now, the almonds should be easy to pop out of the skins. Remove the skins from all of the almonds as quickly as you can while being careful not to burn yourself.

Once the almonds are peeled, select the biggest best looking almond and set it asides. Chop the rest of the almonds, chopping half of the almonds more finely and the other half more roughly. Set aside.

Next, whisk the cream into a fluffy whipped cream. Fold the sugar/vanilla mixture into the whipped cream until evenly incorporated. Start adding large spoonfuls of the rice porridge to and fold it into the whipped cream. Continue until all the rice porridge and the whipped cream are combined into a delicious creamy pudding. Finally, fold in the chopped almonds and add the one whole almond. 

Keep the rice pudding chilled in the refrigerator until it’s time to serve. 

When you’re ready to serve, place the bowl full of rice pudding in the middle of the table for everyone to ladle the pudding into their dessert bowl and top with homemade cherry sauce. Have fun finding the whole almond.

Tips and tricks for making the best leftover rice pudding recipe 

Elevating Leftover Rice Pudding with Decadent Whipped Cream: Tips and Tricks

When it comes to transforming leftover rice pudding into a luxurious dessert, the addition of velvety whipped cream can take your culinary creation to the next level. Whether you’re repurposing a batch of Danish Christmas rice pudding or simply indulging in a delightful treat, here are some expert tips and tricks to ensure your dessert is a resounding success.

1. Cream Perfection: Choose a high-quality regular whipped cream to complement the creamy texture of your rice pudding. The cream should be chilled before whipping to achieve the desired fluffy consistency.

2. Gradual Incorporation: Gently fold the whipped cream into the leftover rice pudding using a spatula. This gradual incorporation ensures a smooth and consistent mixture, infusing the dessert with airy elegance.

3. Flavor Infusion: Consider adding a touch of flavor to your whipped cream. A splash of vanilla extract, almond extract, or a hint of citrus zest can create a delightful contrast that complements the rice pudding’s richness.

4. Temperature Balance: For the perfect harmony of textures, serve your rice pudding and whipped cream at slightly chilled or room temperature. This ensures that the whipped cream maintains its structure while beautifully melding with the creamy rice pudding.

5. Layered Delight: Create layers of decadence by alternating spoonfuls of leftover rice pudding and whipped cream in serving glasses or bowls. This creates a visually appealing presentation that showcases the luxurious combination.

6. Tantalizing Toppings: Elevate your dessert by adding a sprinkling of your favorite toppings. Consider toasted nuts, chocolate shavings, a dusting of cocoa powder, or a drizzle of caramel sauce for an enticing finishing touch.

Extra tips to make a rice pudding the whole family will love

7. Artful Garnishes: A single berry or a mint leaf delicately placed on top of each serving adds an artful touch that enhances both the visual appeal and the flavor profile.

8. Serve Fresh: Assemble the dessert just before serving to maintain the integrity of the whipped cream. This ensures that your guests experience the delightful contrast of textures and flavors.

9. Storage Savvy: If you anticipate leftovers, store the rice pudding and whipped cream separately. Assemble individual portions only when ready to enjoy to preserve the whipped cream’s light and airy quality.

10. Experiment and Enjoy: Don’t be afraid to get creative! Experiment with different flavors, textures, and presentation styles to craft a dessert that suits your preferences and captures the essence of indulgence.

By incorporating these tips and tricks, you’re embarking on a culinary journey that celebrates the art of transforming leftovers into a delectable masterpiece. The harmonious marriage of leftover rice pudding and regular whipped cream promises a dessert experience that’s both luxurious and comforting.

Dairy free rice pudding recipe

Vegan Danish Rice Pudding Delight: A Festive Dessert for Four

As the holiday season unfolds, embrace the enchantment of a classic Danish tradition with a modern twist. Our Vegan Danish Rice Pudding brings the heartwarming flavors of Christmas to your table, combining the charm of history with a compassionate and indulgent approach. Crafted to serve four, this recipe ensures that everyone can revel in the joy of this festive treat.

Vegan rice pudding recipe Ingredients:

  • 1 cup Arborio rice (185 grams) – or other short grain white rice
  • 4 cups unsweetened almond milk (960 ml)
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar (100 grams)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (5 ml)
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon (0.6 grams)
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 whole almond (for the traditional surprise!)
  • Optional toppings: Ground cinnamon, slivered almonds, dried cranberries

Plant based rice pudding Instructions:

1. Rinsing the Rice: Begin by rinsing the Arborio rice under cold water until the water runs clear. This step ensures the desired creamy texture of your rice pudding.

2. Creaminess Unleashed: In a medium-sized pot, combine the rinsed rice, unsweetened almond milk, granulated sugar, vanilla extract, ground cinnamon, and a pinch of salt. Allow the ingredients to mingle over medium heat.

3. Cooking Magic: As the mixture simmers gently, let the flavors meld together for about 25-30 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking and ensure that the rice absorbs the almond milk goodness.

4. The Hidden Gem: Just before your rice pudding reaches perfection, add the whole almond to the pot. Stir it in gently, letting the element of surprise infuse its magic.

5. Festive Assembly: Once your Vegan Rice Pudding is luxuriously creamy and the rice is tender, it’s time to assemble this delectable dessert. Ladle the pudding into serving bowls, ensuring that the hidden almond is divided evenly among them.

Serving risalamande

6. Tantalizing Toppings: Elevate the delight by sprinkling ground cinnamon over each serving. For a satisfying crunch, add a handful of slivered almonds. Dried cranberries contribute a burst of tartness that beautifully complements the sweet creaminess. Or top with sweet cherry sauce for a delicious traditional rice desserts topping. 

7. Savor and Share the delicious dairy free Christmas rice pudding: Gather your loved ones and savor this festive treat together. As you indulge, remember that you’re not just enjoying a dessert but also becoming a part of a rich Danish tradition that celebrates the joy of the holiday season.

With our Vegan Danish Rice Pudding, you’re inviting the past and the present to converge on your plate. Taste the history, feel the joy, and share the love with a dessert that’s as heartwarming as it is compassionate.

Tips and tricks for making the best dairy free rice pudding 

Crafting Dairy-Free Bliss: Tips for Vegan Rice Pudding with Luscious Whipped Cream

Embracing the world of dairy-free indulgence doesn’t mean compromising on flavor or decadence. Elevate your rice pudding to new heights by pairing it with dreamy vegan whipped cream. Whether you’re seeking a compassionate twist on a classic or creating a sumptuous dessert for your Danish Christmas celebration, these expert tips and tricks will ensure your dairy-free rice pudding with vegan whipped cream is a show-stopping success.

1. Quality Cream Alternative: Opt for a high-quality, vegan-friendly whipped cream alternative that complements the creaminess of your rice pudding. Ensure it’s well-chilled before whipping for optimal fluffiness.

2. Fluffy Perfection: Whip the vegan cream until it forms stiff peaks, just like traditional whipped cream. This texture ensures a light and airy contrast to the rich rice pudding.

3. Gradual Incorporation: Gently fold the vegan whipped cream into your rice pudding using a spatula. This careful integration creates a harmonious blend of flavors and textures without compromising the creamy rice base.

4. Flavor Infusion: Elevate the experience by infusing the vegan whipped cream with a hint of flavor. Vanilla extract, almond extract, or a touch of citrus zest can add depth and complexity to the overall dessert.

5. Temperature Harmony: Serve your dairy-free rice pudding and vegan whipped cream at a similar temperature—either slightly chilled or at room temperature. This ensures that the whipped cream retains its structure while melding seamlessly with the velvety rice pudding.

6. Layered Elegance: Create layers of decadence by alternating spoonfuls of rice pudding and vegan whipped cream in serving glasses or bowls. This presentation adds visual appeal and showcases the luxurious fusion.

7. Tempting Toppings: Elevate your dessert with a sprinkling of delightful toppings. Consider toasted coconut flakes, chopped nuts, a drizzle of dairy-free chocolate sauce, or a dusting of cocoa powder for an irresistible finishing touch.

Extra tips and storage tricks

8. Artful Garnishes: Elevate the visual charm of your dessert with an artful garnish. A single raspberry, a mint leaf, or a sprinkle of edible flowers adds an enchanting touch to each serving.

9. Serve with Finesse: Assemble the dessert just before serving to maintain the whipped cream’s texture and appearance. This ensures that each bite delivers the perfect balance of creaminess and lightness.

10. Savvy Storage: If you anticipate leftovers, store the rice pudding and vegan whipped cream separately. Combine them in individual servings only when ready to indulge, preserving the whipped cream’s delicate consistency.

11. Experiment and Enjoy: Embrace culinary creativity by experimenting with different flavors, toppings, and presentation styles. Tailor the dessert to your taste preferences while celebrating the magic of dairy-free indulgence.

With these savvy tips and tricks, you’re embarking on a journey that transforms your dairy-free rice pudding into a masterpiece of vegan delight. The harmonious marriage of rice pudding and vegan whipped cream promises an exquisite dessert that’s both compassionate and incredibly satisfying.

Ingredients you need to make homemade Scandinavian Cherry Sauce (my Danish grandmother’s cherry sauce recipe)

  • 1/2 vanilla pod, or 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar powder
  • 65g (1/3 cup) sugar
  • 1dl (0.4 cups) port wine, vegan
  • 2dl (0.8 cups) orange juice
  • 1dl (0.4 cups) cherry wine
  • 1dl (0.4 cups) water
  • 400g (2 cups) cherries, pits removed
  • 1 tsp cornstarch

How to make homemade Danish Cherry Sauce 

Cut the vanilla pod into halves, and use a knife or spoon to scrape out the seeds. Mix the vanilla seeds with the sugar in a small mixing bowl. 

Pour the vanilla sugar, port wine, orange juice, cherry wine, and water into a pot and set it on the stove. Bring to a boil while stirring gently, then turn the sauce down to a gentle simmer and let it cook for a few minutes. 

Next, gently transfer the cherries to the pot and mix to combine. Bring to a boil again, before turning the sauce down to a simmer. Let it simmer for 10-minutes.

Now, in a small mixing bowl, whisk the cornstarch together with a few tablespoons of cold water. 

Whisk teaspoons of cornstarch into the sauce a little at a time until the sauce has the thickness you prefer. 

Remove from the heat and set aside. The sauce can be stored in the refrigerator until you’re ready to serve.

Just reheat for a few minutes right before serving and enjoy this flavorful cherry sauce drizzled generously on top of your Danish Rice Pudding Christmas dessert.

How to serve ris’alamande 

The traditional way to serve ris’alamande is to place the bowl full of rice pudding in the middle of the table for everyone to ladle the pudding into their dessert bowl and top with homemade cherry sauce. Have fun finding the whole almond.

Delicious ways to serve risalamande 

Here are some delectable ways to serve Danish Christmas rice pudding, each adding its own touch of flair and delight to this festive treat:

    1.    Traditional Style: Stay true to tradition by serving your Danish Christmas rice pudding as is, showcasing its velvety texture and rich flavors. Let the almond surprise be the centerpiece of intrigue as guests search for the hidden treasure.

    2.    Cinnamon Sprinkle: A gentle dusting of ground cinnamon on top of each serving adds a warm and aromatic touch, evoking the cozy essence of the holiday season.

    3.    Fruit Medley: Enhance the festive appeal by topping the rice pudding with a medley of fresh or dried fruits such as berries, sliced strawberries, or cherries. The burst of color and natural sweetness creates a visual and flavorful treat.

    4.    Berry Compote: Create a berry compote using your favorite berries, simmered with a touch of sugar until they release their juices and form a luscious sauce. Drizzle this vibrant compote over the rice pudding for an indulgent fruity layer. Or top with one of my delicious homemade jams.

    5.    Caramel Drizzle: Elevate the decadence by drizzling a vegan caramel sauce over the rice pudding. The rich caramel flavor harmonizes beautifully with the creamy rice base.

    6.    Nutty Crunch: Add a delightful contrast by sprinkling toasted nuts, such as slivered almonds or chopped pistachios, on top. Their crunchy texture complements the silky rice pudding.

Extra topping ideas the whole family can enjoy

    7.    Chocolate Magic: Grate or shave dark chocolate over the rice pudding for an irresistible fusion of flavors. The bittersweet chocolate adds depth and elegance to the dish.

    8.    Citrus Zest: A sprinkle of citrus zest, such as orange or lemon, adds a refreshing and aromatic twist that brightens the palate.

    9.    Edible Flowers: Elevate the presentation with a touch of elegance by garnishing with edible flowers like pansies or rose petals. Their delicate beauty adds a charming and visually appealing element.

    10.    Festive Syrups: Explore flavored syrups like raspberry, strawberry, or maple syrup to drizzle over the rice pudding. These syrups infuse a burst of unique flavors and add a touch of elegance.

    11.    Layered Parfait: Create a delightful parfait by layering the rice pudding with alternating layers of fruit compote, toasted nuts, and a dollop of vegan whipped cream for a heavenly dessert experience.

Whichever way you choose to serve your Danish Christmas rice pudding, you’re crafting a memorable and heartwarming treat that captures the essence of the holiday season and adds a touch of joy to your festivities.

Fun spin on the traditional ris’alamande 

For a delicious different spin on the traditional way of making ris’alamande you can try substituting the peeled almonds with chopped roasted salted almonds. It adds an extra dimension of crunch, saltiness and delicious flavor. 

The best homemade heavy cream recipes: dairy free heavy cream

Crafting Dairy-Free Delight: The Art of Homemade Plant-Based Heavy Cream

In the world of culinary creativity, embracing a plant-based lifestyle doesn’t mean missing out on the luscious creaminess that elevates dishes to perfection. Welcome to the enchanting realm of homemade plant-based heavy cream—a versatile and dairy-free masterpiece that adds a touch of elegance to your recipes. In this journey, we’ll explore the magic of crafting your own plant-based heavy cream and delve into the delightful varieties that cater to a range of dietary preferences. Get ready to unleash your inner culinary artist and embark on a flavorful adventure that’s as compassionate as it is indulgent.

Types of Dairy-Free Heavy Cream Varieties:

1. Cashew Cream Elegance: Dive into the creaminess of soaked cashews, transformed into a silky base that’s perfect for sauces, soups, and desserts. Cashew cream offers a neutral canvas for both sweet and savory creations.

2. Coconut Dreaminess: Harness the rich and tropical allure of coconut milk to create a luscious heavy cream alternative. The distinct flavor of coconut adds a touch of exotic charm to your dishes.

3. Almond Indulgence: Elevate your recipes with the delicate and nutty essence of almond-heavy cream. This variety lends a subtle and sophisticated flavor profile to both sweet and savory delights.

4. Soy Cream Magic: Embrace the versatility of soy milk by transforming it into a luxurious heavy cream substitute. Soy cream is known for its smooth texture and neutral taste, making it an ideal canvas for a wide range of dishes.

5. Oat Cream Bliss: Delight in the light and creamy texture of oat milk heavy cream. Its subtle sweetness and smooth consistency make it a delightful addition to both hot and cold culinary creations.

As we embark on this journey of dairy-free indulgence, you’ll discover that the world of plant-based heavy cream is brimming with possibilities. From classic comfort foods to elegant gourmet dishes, the array of varieties ensures that your culinary vision knows no bounds. So, prepare to whisk, blend, and create with compassion, knowing that homemade plant-based heavy cream is your secret ingredient for achieving creamy perfection without compromising on taste or values. Let’s dive in and savor the art of crafting exquisite dairy-free creaminess that delights the senses and nourishes the soul.

Dairy free heavy cream recipe: making the best vegan heavy cream 

Creating Dairy-Free Decadence: Crafting the Best Vegan Heavy Cream

Indulging in rich and creamy delights doesn’t have to involve dairy. Elevate your culinary creations with a homemade dairy-free heavy cream that promises to add velvety texture and luxuriousness to your dishes. With this expertly crafted recipe, you’ll master the art of making the best vegan heavy cream that’s perfect for whipping, cooking, and delighting the senses.

Dairy free heavy cream Ingredients:

– 1 cup raw cashews, soaked overnight – 150 grams

– 1 cup unsweetened coconut milk (canned) – 240 ml

– 2 tablespoons refined coconut oil, melted – 30 ml

– 1 tablespoon maple syrup or agave nectar (optional, for sweetness)

– A pinch of salt

Homemade plant based heavy cream Instructions:

1. Preparation: Start by soaking the raw cashews in water overnight. This softens them, allowing for easy blending and achieving that creamy consistency.

2. Blending Magic: Drain and rinse the soaked cashews, then add them to a high-speed blender. Pour in the unsweetened coconut milk, refined coconut oil, and a pinch of salt. For a touch of sweetness, you can also add maple syrup or agave nectar.

3. Blending Brilliance: Blend on high until you achieve a smooth and velvety mixture. The cashews should break down completely, creating a lush and creamy base.

4. Texture Perfection: Taste and adjust the sweetness or saltiness to your preference. If the mixture seems too thick, you can add a bit more coconut milk for the desired consistency.

5. Storage and Application: Transfer your homemade vegan heavy cream to an airtight container. Store it in the refrigerator for up to one week. When ready to use, simply give it a gentle stir before incorporating it into your recipes.

6. Whip and Delight: When you’re ready to whip up a dairy-free culinary masterpiece, use your vegan heavy cream just like you would traditional heavy cream. It’s perfect for adding creaminess to sauces, soups, desserts, and more.

With this homemade vegan heavy cream, you’re embracing a world of dairy-free decadence that opens the door to endless culinary possibilities. Whip, cook, and create with confidence, knowing that you’ve mastered the art of crafting the best vegan heavy cream that’s as versatile as it is luxurious.

Almond cream recipe

Unleash Creaminess with Almond Elegance: Crafting the Best Vegan Almond Heavy Cream

Discover the art of dairy-free indulgence with a touch of almond luxury. Elevate your culinary creations to new heights by mastering the craft of homemade vegan almond heavy cream. This expertly tailored recipe will guide you through the steps of creating the best almond-based heavy cream, perfect for whipping, cooking, and adding a touch of velvety richness to your dishes.

Almond heavy cream Ingredients:

– 1 cup raw almonds, soaked overnight – 150 grams

– 2 cups filtered water – 480 ml

– 1 tablespoon refined coconut oil, melted – 15 ml

– 1 tablespoon maple syrup or agave nectar (optional, for sweetness)

– A pinch of salt

Almond cream recipe Instructions:

1. Preparation: Begin by soaking the raw almonds in water overnight. This softens them, making it easier to achieve that luscious creaminess.

2. Blending Brilliance: Drain and rinse the soaked almonds, then add them to a high-speed blender. Pour in the filtered water, refined coconut oil, and a pinch of salt. To infuse a hint of sweetness, you can also add maple syrup or agave nectar.

3. Blend to Perfection: Blend on high until you achieve a smooth and creamy mixture. The almonds should break down completely, creating a sumptuous base for your almond heavy cream.

4. Fine-Tuning Texture: Taste and adjust the sweetness or saltiness to suit your palate. If you prefer a thinner consistency, you can add a bit more filtered water until you reach the desired thickness.

5. Storage and Application: Transfer your freshly crafted vegan almond heavy cream to an airtight container. Refrigerate and use within one week. Before using, give it a gentle shake or stir to ensure a consistent texture.

6. Whip and Inspire: When the moment calls for culinary elegance, incorporate your vegan almond heavy cream just as you would traditional heavy cream. From sauces to desserts, your creations will be graced with the unmistakable touch of almond luxury.

With this artisanal vegan almond heavy cream, you’re venturing into a world of dairy-free sophistication that allows you to explore endless culinary horizons. Whip, blend, and infuse your dishes with the richness of almond indulgence, knowing that you’ve mastered the craft of creating the best vegan almond heavy cream.

Creme vs cream

Creme vs. Cream: Unraveling the Delicious Distinction

When it comes to culinary conversations, the terms “creme” and “cream” evoke visions of luscious indulgence. Yet, these words bear distinct nuances that can elevate your dining experience to new heights. Let’s embark on a flavorful journey as we explore the creme vs. cream debate, uncovering the subtle differences that make each an essential ingredient in your culinary repertoire.

Cream: A Luxurious Embrace of Dairy Richness

Cream, a staple of both sweet and savory creations, is a dairy treasure known for its velvety texture and divine richness. Whether heavy cream, whipping cream, or double cream, this ingredient lends sumptuousness to sauces, soups, and desserts. The dairy-based cream is revered for its ability to enhance flavors and create that delightful melt-in-the-mouth sensation.

Creme: A Touch of French Elegance and Delight

Meanwhile, “creme” reveals its exquisite French heritage, embodying an aura of sophistication and elegance. Creme brulee, creme anglaise, or creme fraiche—these delicate delights transcend ordinary culinary experiences. Derived from the French word for “cream,” “creme” adds a layer of artistry to your dishes, creating a symphony of flavors that dance harmoniously on the palate.

Embrace the Nuance, Elevate Your Creations

In the creme vs. cream saga, the choice between the two hinges on context, composition, and creativity. While “cream” invokes a more general creamy indulgence, “creme” carries a hint of French allure that elevates dishes to gastronomic masterpieces. Whether you’re crafting a classic dessert or infusing a savory sensation, understanding the distinction between “creme” and “cream” empowers you to wield culinary magic like a maestro.

Unlock the Epicurean Experience: Cream and Creme United

As you navigate your culinary endeavors, remember that the distinction between “creme” and “cream” offers an invitation to explore a world of taste sensations. By embracing both the luxurious creaminess and the refined elegance of creme, you’re destined to create dishes that captivate the senses and leave an indelible mark on every palate. So, let your kitchen become a canvas where creme and cream unite in a harmonious symphony of flavors, transforming every meal into an epicurean experience.

Cream vs milk 

Cream vs. Milk: Unveiling the Dairy Delicacies

In the realm of dairy delights, the dynamic interplay between “cream” and “milk” unfurls a tapestry of flavors and textures that captivate culinary enthusiasts. These two staples, each bearing unique qualities, hold the power to transform ordinary recipes into extraordinary creations. Embark on a journey of taste as we unravel the nuances of cream vs. milk, and discover how these dairy darlings shape the art of cooking and indulgence.

Cream: Luxurious Opulence in Every Spoonful

Cream, a dairy connoisseur’s dream, boasts a higher fat content that contributes to its velvety richness and luxurious mouthfeel. Its variants—whipping cream, heavy cream, or double cream—add a dimension of decadence to both sweet and savory dishes. Cream elevates sauces, soups, and desserts to unparalleled heights, embracing flavors with a creamy embrace that leaves taste buds yearning for more.

Milk: Nourishment and Versatility in Liquid Form

Milk, a ubiquitous culinary companion, represents the essence of nurturing sustenance. Its lower fat content and inherent hydration properties make milk an essential ingredient in a diverse array of recipes. From cereal to coffee and everything in between, milk infuses dishes with a comforting familiarity, enriching them with its delicate texture and subtle sweetness.

Embrace the Culinary Symphony: Cream and Milk Harmonized

The cream vs. milk dichotomy beckons you to explore a symphony of culinary possibilities. By carefully selecting between these dairy treasures, you craft an orchestra of flavors that dance on the palate. The choice between cream’s opulence and milk’s versatility shapes the character of your creations, allowing you to tailor dishes to suit both indulgence and nourishment.

Elevate Every Bite: Cream and Milk United

In the gastronomic theater, cream and milk share the limelight, each delivering its own unique contribution to your culinary masterpiece. From creamy curries to velvety custards, the harmonious marriage of cream and milk unites to elevate every bite to a realm of pure satisfaction. With the world of cooking at your fingertips, allow cream and milk to guide your culinary voyage, creating a symphony of flavors that leaves an indelible mark on every dining experience.

Frequently asked questions: danish rice pudding Christmas recipe questions answered 


How to store the homemade cherry sauce

Keep your cherry sauce stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 3-5 days. Reheat before serving and enjoy.

Can I make homemade cherry sauce in advance?

Yes. You can make the cherry sauce 1-2 days in advance. The flavors just intensify and the sauce becomes even more delicious when made in advance.

How to reheat cherry sauce?

You can reheat cherry sauce by putting in a microwave save bowl and heating it for 1-2 minutes at medium-high heat. Or you can reheat the sauce in a saucepan for 5 minutes bringing the sauce to a gentle simmer.

Can I make the cherry sauce without alcohol in it?

The great thing about using alcohol in a sauce is that the alcohol is destroyed during cooking leaving only the flavors behind to infuse the sauce. However, if you still want a cherry sauce made completely without any alcohol, I’ve got you covered. Simply replace the cherry wine with 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and 1dl water. To replace the port wine you can substitute with 2 tablespoons maple syrup and 1dl cider.

How to store ris’alamande

Keep the ris’alamande stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

How long will rice pudding last?

Rice pudding can keep in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Just stir to combine before serving again.

Nutritional information

Carbs in heavy cream

Heavy cream typically contains minimal carbohydrates, as it is primarily composed of fats. On average, one tablespoon of heavy cream contains about 0.4 grams of carbohydrates. Keep in mind that the exact carb content can vary slightly based on the brand and specific product. If you’re looking for a more precise value, it’s recommended to refer to the nutrition label on the packaging of the heavy cream you’re using.

Carbs in whipping cream

Whipping cream, like heavy cream, contains very few carbohydrates as it is primarily a high-fat dairy product. On average, one tablespoon of whipping cream contains about 0.4 grams of carbohydrates. As with any food, the exact carb content can vary slightly based on the brand and specific product. For precise nutritional information, it’s best to refer to the nutrition label on the packaging of the whipping cream you’re using.

Calories in whipping cream

How many calories in vegan heavy cream

The caloric content of vegan heavy cream can vary based on the specific brand and ingredients used. However, as a general guideline, one tablespoon of commercially available vegan heavy cream substitute typically contains around 20-30 calories. Keep in mind that this is an approximate value, and the actual calorie count may differ based on the product’s composition. For accurate information, it’s best to refer to the nutritional label on the packaging of the specific vegan heavy cream substitute you’re using.

Are you looking for more Christmas recipes?

You might like these easy holiday recipes (all with vegan options)

Authentic Danish Rice Pudding Risalamande recipe – plus vegan ris’alamande option

This easy authentic Scandinavian rice pudding or ris’alamande is a classic dessert found on every Christmas table on Christmas Eve in Scandinavia. It’s a creamy pudding with a rich silky texture, dotted with crunchy almonds and topped with cherry sauce. 
Simone – Munchyesta.com
Prep Time 20 minutes
Serving Size 4 people



  • 3-4 cups (600g) Rice Milk Porridge (risengrød) You can use my easy risengrød recipe
  • 1 Vanilla Pod or 2 teaspoons vanilla sugar powder 70g sugar 
  • ¾ cups cups (100g) Almonds peeled and chopped
  • 1.7 cups (4 dl) Double Cream or heavy cream or cashew cream for a vegan version
  • cup (70g) Sugar

Homemade Cherry Sauce

  • ½ pod Vanilla or 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar powder
  • cup (65g) Sugar granulated or caster (can be coconut sugar if you prefer)
  • 0.4 cups (1 dl) Port Wine
  • 0.8 cups (2 dl) Orange – juice
  • 0.4 cups (1 dl) Cherry Wine
  • 0.4 cups (1 dl) Water
  • 2⅔ cups (400g) Cherries pits removed (can be fresh or frozen cherries)
  • 1 tsp Cornstarch


How to make authentic Scandinavian ris’alamande – the traditional Danish Christmas dessert

  • Cut the vanilla pod into halves, and use a knife or spoon to scrape out the seeds. Mix the vanilla seeds with the sugar in a small mixing bowl. 
  • Place the almonds in a bowl. Bring water to a boil and pour the boiling water over the almonds. Let the almonds sit in the hot water for 10-minutes.
    Drain away the hot water and pour boiling water over the almonds again.
    Let the almonds sit for 2-minutes in the water before draining them away. Now, the almonds should be easy to pop out of the skins. Remove the skins from all of the almonds as quickly as you can while being careful not to burn yourself.
  • Once the almonds are peeled, select the biggest best looking almond and set it asides. Chop the rest of the almonds, chopping half of the almonds more finely and the other half more roughly. Set aside.
  • Next, whisk the cream into a fluffy whipped cream.
    Fold the sugar/vanilla mixture into the whipped cream until evenly incorporated. Start adding large spoonfuls of the rice porridge and fold it into the whipped cream.
    Continue until all the rice porridge and the whipped cream are combined into a delicious creamy pudding.
    Finally, fold in the chopped almonds and add one whole almond. 
  • Keep the rice pudding chilled in the refrigerator until it’s time to serve. 
    When you’re ready to serve, place the bowl full of rice pudding in the middle of the table for everyone to ladle the pudding into their dessert bowl and top with homemade cherry sauce.
    Have fun finding the whole almond.

Making the homemade Cherry Sauce

  • Cut the vanilla pod into halves, and use a knife or spoon to scrape out the seeds. Mix the vanilla seeds with the sugar in a small mixing bowl.
  • Pour the vanilla sugar, port wine, orange juice, cherry wine, and water into a pot and set it on the stove. Bring to a boil while stirring gently, then turn the sauce down to a gentle simmer and let it cook for a few minutes.
  • Next, gently transfer the cherries to the pot and mix to combine. Bring to a boil again, before turning the sauce down to a simmer. Let it simmer for 10-minutes.
  • Now, in a small mixing bowl, whisk the cornstarch together with a few tablespoons of cold water.
  • Whisk teaspoons of cornstarch into the sauce a little at a time until the sauce has the thickness you prefer.
  • Remove from the heat and set aside. The sauce can be stored in the refrigerator until you’re ready to serve.

Recipe originally published December 2, 2022

Recipe updated August 17, 2023

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  1. 5 stars
    Just what I was looking for. The vegan version turned out delish. So creamy and my kids loved it. Will be making this again 🙂

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