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Gazpacho is one of those amazing recipes that trancsends time and brings a mediterranean flavor to you – it’s almost like being transported to a sunny day in Spain no matter what the weather is like where you are.

The cold tomato soup has wonderful cooling properties on a warm day and is a great and really easy lunch.

Summer isn’t usually soup weather, but this recipe is the exception.
It’s so fresh, healthy and packed with veggies that will leave you feeling good about yourself.

One of the best things about this recipe is how easy it is to make. You can make it in advance if you have guests coming over – it’s low stress and in my opinion all gatherings should be as low stress as possible.

I think this soup might just be the easiest lunch ever. You can make it in advance and since it’s meant to be eaten cold, it is so easy to bring along anywhere you go.
And the added health benefits of tomato soup just makes it that much better. I can eat this guilt free and because it’s so healthy, it leaves extra room for a sweet treat later.
I like to serve it with rosemary bread to add to the mediterranean feeling.

The trick to making this soup taste like summer, is to choose tomatoes that are ripe. That will add extra sweetness, richness and creaminess to the soup.


The Gazpacho is a traditional Spanish tomato soup and always a tasty and easy meal to serve. Because of the tomatoes and fresh basil it tastes like summer in a bowl.  
Serving Size 4 people


  • 8 large Tomatoes very ripe
  • 1 large Cucumber – peeled and roughly chopped
  • 3 Bell Peppers deseeded and chopped
  • 2 cloves Garlic diced
  • 2 tbsp Fresh Basil Leaves chopped
  • 3 tbsp Olive Oil
  • 3 tbsp Balsamic Vinegar


  • Wash and quarter the unpeeled tomatoes and remove the stem bases. Cut the bell peppers and cucumber into large chunks, and roughly chop the red onion and garlic.
    Put the tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumber, red onion and garlic into a food processor and blend well.
    Let the soup sit for 20 minutes in order to give the bread time to absorb the liquid and soften.
    Add the balsamic vinegar, lemon juice and olive oil to the soup and process the mixture until all the gazpacho ingredients are liquified. If you like your soup thinner, you can also blend in a little cold water.
    Season your super healthy cold gazpacho soup with salt and pepper.
    Pour the gazpacho soup into a large glass bowl and cover with a plastic wrap or lid. Refrigerate until the flavors blend, preferably overnight.
    Serve your gazpacho soup chilled, garnished with your favorite herbs or microgreens. Broccoli microgreens, which are easy to grow indoors any time of the year, make an excellent healthy garnish to cold gazpacho.

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